Monthly Archives: November 2014

Wuk? West-Vlamsch ip de Moahdeneilanden?

Robbert van Sluijs talks on Belgian Radio 1 about West Flemish influence on Dutch Creole  In Dutch. Please listen to it here!

Introductory article on ‘Stemmen van Afrika’ (Voices of Africa website)

This morning, an introductory article on Negerhollands by Robbert van Sluijs was published (in Dutch) on the Dutch website Stemmen van Afrika (Voices of Africa). It is a popular scientific website devoted to showing you the languages of Africa in words, images, and sound.

Here is a direct link to the article.

Please have a look even if you don’t understand Dutch for the pictures and the two sound files  of the last speaker, Ms. Stevens (recordings by Robin Sabino).